Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sucker punch

Cryptocurrency.  All the smart folks have already made fortunes in it.   And now, some of the 'techbros' are trying to get the already shaky US treasury into it. 

It's high tech!  And we know Trump loves to appear 'with it' when it comes to high tech stuff - LIKE HE DID LISTENING TO FAUCI, not Novarro and Zelenko (1),  AND KILLING .... thousands ... millions???

Heck, even at the state level there's folks pushing for it.

One mans opinion ... HELL NO!  There are already many ways to exploit users - getting national or even state sized accounts will bring genius level hackers to the trough ....

AND nations, especially China, will NOT play by the rules and will apply AI and Quantum to destroy the economies of countries stupidly reliant on 'cyber currencies'.

for an UNCLASSIFIED look -  (you don't think they'll tell all about code breaking critical tech do you?)

The techbros will know when to bail, the CCP will pull the trigger when they please (Unrestricted Warfare folks - if you've not read it you can't have an informed opinion (2)) - everyone else will be bankrupt.   

That is why we're seeing the push for our government to get in ... greed here, strategic war planning abroad.

PRESIDENT TRUMP, Governor Abbott - the CCP will use this to kill us.  

Keep taxpayer money out of crypto! 

1. the truth was there to see.  Fauci spiked the truth to maintain the 'emergency use authorization' for the mRNA junk.

2. read it!  This is how the CCP see the US and warfare ...    

UPDATE: 2/27/25 More on crypto stolen by the Norks.


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